
Gabriel Holding attempts to maintain a satisfactory level of information for investors and analysts to ensure that the share price is not subject to sudden fluctuations and reflects expected developments in the company.

Annual General meeting 2023

Annual General Meeting of Gabriel Holding A/S was held at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 14 December 2023 at the company’s address, Hjulmagervej 55, Aalborg, Denmark.


The company’s capital
The company’s capital is nom. DKK 37,800,000, corresponding to 1,890,000 DKK 20 shares.

Each DKK 20 share carries one vote.

Annual General meeting of Gabriel Holding A/S, 14 December 2023

For further information contact Gitte Willum Borup by phone at +45 4054 4881 or e-mail at




Generalforsamling 2023

Der blev afholdt generalforsamling i Gabriel Holding A/S torsdag den 14. december 2023 kl. 14.00 på selskabets adresse, Hjulmagervej 55, 9000 Aalborg.


Selskabets kapital
Selskabets kapital udgør nominelt kr. 37.800.000, svarende til 1.890.000 stk. kapitalandele a kr. 20.
Hver kapitalandel a kr. 20 giver ret til én stemme.


Generalforsamling i Gabriel Holding A/S d. 14. december 2023

For yderligere information kontakt Gitte Willum Borup på tlf. 4054 4881 eller e-mail



Annual report 2022/23


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