Gabriel Fabrics Inspiration Caring For Nature Since 1851 1 Gabriel Fabrics Inspiration Caring For Nature Since 1851 1

CO2e neutral

As a global manufacturing company, we are obliged to reduce our climate impact related to both our production as well as to other activities. We work determinedly to reduce our climate impact by, for example, minimising our energy consumption and by implementing energy-saving solutions in our production lines, and we work closely with suppliers and customers to jointly optimise energy usage as much as possible.

In the business year 2022/23, Gabriel Group once again became a CO2e neutral company within Scope 1 and 2 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) – one of the world’s most widely used standards for calculating a business’ climate footprint. Together, the two scopes cover greenhouse gas emissions directly related to the activities in Gabriel companies (Scope 1) and to the production of electricity used internally at Gabriel’s facilities (Scope 2).

We have been CO2e neutral since the business year 2019/20 and our CO2e neutrality has always been documented in close cooperation with a partner, specialising in CO2e calculation and reporting.

In short, CO2e neutrality means that a net zero carbon dioxide emission is obtained by balancing carbon emissions with carbon removal, often through carbon offsetting. In practice, this means that Gabriel supports projects that offer a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to, for example, the greenhouse gasses emitted from the natural gas-fired boilers at the company’s dyehouse.

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As previously, the company also procures certificates of origin of renewable energy and have installed several solar panel systems throughout the year to increase our in-house production of renewable energy. Additionally, we focus on reducing our energy consumption in processes and in our choice of product technologies.

Responsible production

The majority of Gabriel companies are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. Energy consumption, emissions of air pollutants, wastewater, and use of raw materials are continuously reduced, and we place strict demands on all our suppliers. 

Before investments in new technology are made, Gabriel always carefully evaluates the potential impact on the environment, the work environment, and product properties.